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Name: Greyduck

Gender: Male

Age: 68 Moons

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Affiliation: ShadowClan

Rank: Elder

Mate: Jaggedheart(Deceased), Blackpetal(Deceased)

Apprentice: Jaggedheart(Past)(Deceased), Yellowtail(Past)(Deceased)

Mentor: Unknown

Kits: Stormpaw(Adopted), Whitekit(Still-Born), Shadowkit(Still-Born), Cloudkit(Deceased)

Parents: Wysteria - Mother(Kittypet)(Deceased), Pikeshade - Father(ShadowClan)(Deceased)

“They said I was wrong, but I know I'm right. Say it with me now.

Duck. Duck. Greyduck."

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